Yesterday was a bittersweet day. I said farewell to my last rescue kitten, Butters, as he left with his new mommy and daddy. My little dude is going to live the sweet, air-conditioned life with my friends Trish and Ryan and their Calico princess Thea Thumbelina.

Although I knew all along that Butters would find his new home, I still grew very attached to the little dude over the last 3 months. It's a good thing I can visit him any time I want!
So that is a grand total of 5 rescue kittens this year. Three of them found fabulous new homes, and two of them (the first two) will remain chez Cyr-Bampton with the Queen Mum, Jupiter.
Yesterday, after Butters had gone home, and the vacuum had been put away, I found this in my living room:

I call this our Family sandwich - PB & J (Penelope, Buttons and Jupiter). Say Cheese!
Can you imagine this amazing catball curled up with Evan and I at night... purring away. Glorious.