In preparation for Carrice's upcoming wedding, and that size 6 dress sitting in my closet, today I began an 8 week bootcamp and cleanse program to kick my booty into shape.
My roomie, A, is doing the cleanse with me for support. Somehow it is always easier to do something horrible if you know that someone else is suffering with you... sorry A!
Basically, the clease consists of 4 herbal supplements taken 4 times a day and a VERY restricted diet. In preparation, Sunday evening we made a huge batch of pico de gallo - a mexican salsa that is positively delicious - fresh tomatoes, jalapenos, onions and cilantro.
The last time I had made this recipe, I ended up with what I like to call FIRE CROTCH! I cut up the jalapenos, washed my hands, then went to use the washroom - where I suppose a portion of my skin touched a very private part of my body.
The pain was agonizing. I imagine this is what having STDs must feel like. I even considered something unimaginable - the douche - but decided against it out of principle. I wasn't sure if I could live with myself after ha!
Well, I wasn't going to let this happen to me again!
What would Donna do???
There is no shortage of "Wine Rack" bags in our house. They make really great disposable sheaths for chopping dangerous vegetables.
Perhaps I will find a way to make these fashionable and wear them more often.
I fortunately have never experienced the Jalapeno firecrotch but I have experienced the Jamaican Peppers "oops I wiped my nose" nostril flare.
I actually inserted my entire nose in a glass of water thinking it would help.
It didn't.
Well it just so happens that I have had the fire crotch experience as well as the fire eyes... took my contacts out with jalepeno fingers...
Kids, do not try this at home!
I have found that good old fashioned baking soda will neutralize the burn... so that's what Donna would do.
That sucks!! However, I avoid such calamities by wearing disposable latex gloves (unpowdered) when chopping hot peppers. I also use them sometimes when handling raw meat. Although Wine Rack bags are certainly stylish, the other nice thing about the gloves is that you have more dexterity and precision, and are therefore less likely to chop off your fingertips.
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